Full spoilers and RAW are out for chapter 1051 of the One Piece manga which shows what is happening in the Land of Wano after the battle of Onigashima. Shall we check it out?

But first, it is important to remember that the manga is translated from Japanese to English and then to Portuguese, so it is possible that there may be errors in adaptation.

Title of Chapter 1051 in One Piece: The Shogun of the Land of Wano: Kouzuki Momonosuke

The chapter begins with some citizens of the Capital of Flowers telling those who are fleeing that they don’t need to flee, that dragon doesn’t look like Kaidou.

Then the citizens wonder why there are two dragons and why Komurasaki is there if he should have died. Then Kin’emon says that “contrary to what people thought, he was alive, he hadn’t died in the burning castle 20 years ago.”

Several citizens believe that something important is going to happen, so they prepare the Broadcast Den Mushi to show what is happening in the Flower Capital to everyone in the Land of Wano.


We can see the reaction of people in different places in Wano Country (Ringo, Hakumai, Kibi, Kuri, Udon and Ebisu City). In Onigashima the signal of the images is also coming in from the capital.

Yamato meets the Straw Hat gang

  • Straw Hats shout, “Kaidou’s daughter??”
  • Brook: “What? So the battle isn’t over?”
  • Yamato: “Wait, no!!! I am not your enemy!!! I even followed your exploits in the newspapers! Wow, I thought most of you wouldn’t look like normal humans, but now that I see you in person… You are surprisingly normal.”
  • Franky: “And you say that with those horns?!”
  • Sanji: “What about Kaidou?!”
  • Yamato: “Well!!! From now on, I will join you on your ship! I am “Kouzuki Oden!” Also known as Yamato, nice to meet you!!!”

Yamato stops the Beast Pirates from escaping

  • Yamato sees that some of the members of the Beast Pirates are trying to escape and stops them. They were trying to escape because they don’t want to be slaves.
  • Seeing Yamato’s attitude, Jinbe says that he is definitely not an enemy.


Momonosuke makes a speech

  • Momonosuke: “It’s been 20 years…!!!! Since the death of MY FATHER, “Kouzuki Oden”!!!!”
  • Citizen: “Father…?!!! Don’t tell me…!”
  • Momonosuke: “You all have done very well…!!!! Surviving those long, hard years!!!! The ‘Festival of Fire’ does not end here!!! Starting tomorrow, you can choose to live however you want!!!”
  • Citizens: “What?!!! But Orochi…!”
  • Momonosuke: “Drink as much as you want! You won’t have to pay for drinking water!!! I will never let the poison that killed these earths come out of those factories again!!!

Here in the Land of Wano we don’t need slaves!!! The days of Orochi’s tyranny… And Kaidou’s dark fear… are over!!!

With the help of trustworthy people we met at sea…!!!!! With the “Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance”, we successfully invaded Onigashima! Kaidou, Orochi, the Beast Pirates!!! We have punished all those evils that have been haunting our nation!!!

  • Momonosuke: “We must not forget the honorable people who made this victory possible…!!!!”

Momonosuke trembles with nervousness and asks Kin’emon what else he should say now. Kin’emon tells him to say what is inside his heart.

Momonosuke remembers several phrases Luffy has said to him in the past (“Are you just going to be the big boss, Momo?!!!” and “Is there still something for you to fear in this world?!!”) and continues his speech.
Momonosuke: “O… The name my Father gave me means “Incomparable “l!!! Under my leadership, have no doubt that this now dying earth will become a paradise!” but for that we need you! Please lend us your strength!!!
Traveling 20 years in time!!! We have come to save all of you!!! From this moment on…

I, Kouzuki Momonosuke!!!
Will rule the Country of Wano!!!
Papa! Mommy!!!! I have fulfilled my promise…!!!!
Now… I will follow the path you have set for me!!!”

Momonosuke finally embraces his sister and walks towards the capital castle, along with his loyal retainers, the Red Sheaths.
The narrator has a few last words in the chapter.


Now tell me in the comments what you thought about the Battle of Onigashima? What’s your favorite moment from the greatest fight of them all!